Sacred Earth Protectors Rising: Message from 13 Grandmothers

Message from the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers:

"As you move through these changing times... be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being.

Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother's grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle... and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you.

Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up. A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings."

We Are in Crisis

☆ Important Message from Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe ☆

I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, what we call "Turtle Island." My words seek to unite the global community through a message from our sacred ceremonies to unite spiritually, each in our own ways of beliefs in the Creator.

We have been warned from ancient prophecies of these times we live in today, but have also been given a very important message about a solution to turn these terrible times.

To understand the depth of this message you must recognize the importance of Sacred Sites and realize the interconnectedness of what is happening today, in reflection of the continued massacres that are occurring on other lands and our own Americas.

I have been learning about these important issues since the age of 12 when I received the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle and its teachings. Our people have strived to protect Sacred Sites from the beginning of time. These places have been violated for centuries and have brought us to the predicament that we are in at the global level.

Look around you. Our Mother Earth is very ill from these violations, and we are on the brink of destroying the possibility of a healthy and nurturing survival for generations to come, our children's children.

Our ancestors have been trying to protect our Sacred Site called the Sacred Black Hills in South Dakota, "Heart of Everything That Is," from continued violations. Our ancestors never saw a satellite view of this site, but now that those pictures are available, we see that it is in the shape of a heart and, when fast-forwarded, it looks like a heart pumping.

The Diné have been protecting Big Mountain, calling it the liver of the earth, and we are suffering and going to suffer more from the extraction of the coal there and the poisoning processes used in doing so.

The Aborigines have warned of the contaminating effects of global warming on the Coral Reefs, which they see as Mother Earth's blood purifier.

The indigenous people of the rainforest say that the rainforests are the lungs of the planet and need protection.

The Gwich'in Nation in Alaska has had to face oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain, also known to the Gwich'in as "Where life begins."

The coastal plain is the birthplace of many life forms of the animal nations. The death of these animal nations will destroy indigenous nations in this territory.

As these destructive developments continue all over the world, we will witness many more extinct animal, plant, and human nations, because of mankind's misuse of power and their lack of understanding of the "balance of life."

The Indigenous people warn that these destructive developments will cause havoc globally. There are many, many more indigenous teachings and knowledge about Mother Earth's Sacred Sites, her chakras, and connections to our spirit that will surely affect our future generations.

There needs to be a fast move toward other forms of energy that are safe for all nations upon Mother Earth. We need to understand the types of minds that are continuing to destroy the spirit of our whole global community. Unless we do this, the powers of destruction will overwhelm us.

Our Ancestors foretold that water would someday be for sale. Back then this was hard to believe, since the water was so plentiful, so pure, and so full of energy, nutrition and spirit. Today we have to buy pure water, and even then the nutritional minerals have been taken out; it's just empty liquid. Someday water will be like gold, too expensive to afford.

Not everyone will have the right to drink safe water. We fail to appreciate and honor our Sacred Sites, ripping out the minerals and gifts that lay underneath them as if Mother Earth were simply a resource, instead of the source of life itself.

Attacking nations and using more resources to carry out destruction in the name of peace is not the answer! We need to understand how all these decisions affect the global nation; we will not be immune to its repercussions. Allowing continual contamination of our food and land is affecting the way we think.

A "disease of the mind" has set in world leaders and many members of our global community, with their belief that a solution of retaliation and destruction of peoples will bring peace.

In our prophecies it is told that we are now at the crossroads: Either unite spiritually as a global nation, or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relatives' eyes.

We are the only species that is destroying the source of life, meaning Mother Earth, in the name of power, mineral resources, and ownership of land. Using chemicals and methods of warfare that are doing irreversible damage, as Mother Earth is becoming tired and cannot sustain any more impacts of war.

I ask you to join me on this endeavor. Our vision is for the peoples of all continents, regardless of their beliefs in the Creator, to come together as one at their Sacred Sites to pray and meditate and commune with one another, thus promoting an energy shift to heal our Mother Earth and achieve a universal consciousness toward attaining Peace.

As each day passes, I ask all nations to begin a global effort, and remember to give thanks for the sacred food that has been gifted to us by our Mother Earth, so the nutritional energy of medicine can be guided to heal our minds and spirits.

This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war, and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the great myth of progress and development that ruled the last millennium.

To us, as caretakers of the heart of Mother Earth, falls the responsibility of turning back the powers of destruction. You yourself are the one who must decide.

You alone – and only you – can make this crucial choice, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives. On your decision depends the fate of the entire World.

Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind.

Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger?

Know that you yourself are essential to this world. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this world. Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, there is no beginning and no ending.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse is the author of White Buffalo Teachings. A tireless advocate of maintaining traditional spiritual practices, Chief Looking Horse is a member of Big Foot Riders, which memorializes the massacre of Big Foot's band at Wounded Knee.

 We are the 7th generation ☀
Sacred Earth Protectors Rising: https://youtu.be/8KBLSzbVgeY?list=PLfRHLmFaPjT1HgpHFyXb0BJdoN8QrQSsm ❤ 

Honor the Treaties. That's it. Our planet is dying already. #Deepwater Gulf spill disaster & Exxon Valdez happened only yesterday... #WaterIsLife  #NoDAPL
☆ Trudell Tribal Voices ☀ https://youtu.be/VyXdxKFBwzk?list=PLfRHLmFaPjT1HgpHFyXb0BJdoN8QrQSsm

 "The only myth that is going to be worth thinking about in the future is one talking about the planet, not the city, not these people, but the planet, and everybody on it." 웃❤유  Earth academy List: https://youtu.be/5mkuupKjMes?list=PLfRHLmFaPjT2IWYfG7RaGH15ZKz1MD0IX ☀ #GAIA http://fungi.com

#Resist + #Persist = #DefendtheFuture
https://www.rebelmouse.com/OccupyGarden/ ★ 

☀ SpaceShip Earth https://vimeo.com/channels/639670

Aloha 'Āina Sacred Mountain - Mauna Kea, Hawaii  https://youtu.be/cUSVUQK9Bq4?list=PLfRHLmFaPjT1HgpHFyXb0BJdoN8QrQSsm

We dreamed we were far beyond John Wayne & genocide of the "frontier"
but the hairy Clown demon of TV Tower has popped out of our screens
into the White white house over there next to the Pentagon
as stromtroopers blast shotguns & teargas into Indian defenders

Blood mixing with oil over their weeping ancient land
our last fresh water being raided with tanks & troops
industry's old story of conquest & cruelty to "secure" big money
once again blowing its toxic fumes in our faces by force

America, america corporate men shed their waste on thee
& hide their crimes with hazard signs from sea to oily sea
at war with themselves & the Earth in her infinite magic
blasting away with every old bad ammo in their money bags

~ BzB   "Pity the busy monster, manunkind."
   ~ e.e. cummings
BuzzWorm ☀ http://buzzworm.blogspot.com/ ☀   

"Making necklaces from live ammunition is not a good idea."

NYT: "Fake Cowboys & Real Indians" http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/02/opinion/fake-cowboys-and-real-indians.html  
⋯ ◯ ⋯-
⋰ ⋮ ⋱  Liberté, égalité, fraternité ♥ 
El Niño Accelerator ☀ https://youtu.be/fhy2l4XmAGg?list=PLfRHLmFaPjT0rUMYCC2NJWYuwxi3XHrKY


Creepy Tweeter Tyrant of Trump Tower

Donald Trump™'s Web of Conflict: Gold-Plated Recipe for Executive Corruption & Autocracy

Somehow we've been herded while broadcast media has tiptoed around the "Crime Watch" worthy criminal history of the creepy tweeter Tyrant of Trump™ Tower. Do you realize how many hundreds of millions in criminal cash have been laundered through Trump™ casinos in gambling chips alone? And that only scratches gold-plate from the surface of offshore laundering, tax-evasion, false bankruptcy, mortgage & ponzi scams, racketeering & enabling, international trafficking, & let's not leave out election hacking. Right at this moment the self-proclaimed "winning Dealer" is evading us, the American people & Congress with his most-critical tax returns. While being elevated to an un-earned Kingly position of appointing & "Ordering" all of our futures.

 All you have to do is actually show the story of this self-promoting showman & his empire of giant nametags. Just grab a few cameras & begin to show us his expansive golf courses & resorts around the world, for a starter, and how he's  rammed them into places like rural Scotland by terrorizing the locals. Then move on to his name-sake condos, casinos, towers. Spare no detail please. Make it a nightly obsession, a reality series, hell let's do an entire DVD set. Instead of droning along with your sheepy dribble of normalizing pseudo-news, football games & "commerce as usual."

 Do you feel sorry for the "poor little mobster-child" and thus are refraining from showing us the ugliness behind the curtains? Or maybe it's how the tweet-monster points his stubby little fingers at you to show you how "puny" you are & how "huge" he is. Orwellian allegiance is not the big seller folks! Back to the camera media circus! After you get through with our golf, casino, resort & Tower tour, let's dig into to the beauty pageants (that'll be golden), the wineries, the jets, boats, offshore islands. Give it all a great, "bad dude" soundtrack. "Lifestyles of the rotten, spoiled & excessively famous"...

 Let's move on to Trump™ stage magic & his mass media viralness, the tweety guy's big TV shows, his serial abuse of entire herds of self-promoting camera hounds. All of that, of course, is already on DVD, from which the Trump™ Organization continues to rake in revenues. Fast forward to the very public presidential election, which we were all force-fed for over a year, hour by hour, wearing us down to frazzle with the "Trump™ effect" & his aggressive bullying idiocy. That's just the way he is, folks, just go along.

 Up to the historic, most-controversial event, only days before the actual election which would decide the entire fate of the USA & democracy under an actual Constitution... you know, the FBI Director being shuffled out by the GOP senators to make false claims about "suspicious email" which I bet you cannot even explain right now. Something about a laptop? Anthony Weiner? WTF was that thing that happened which violated the entire democratic process & decided the voter turnout being historically low (26% stayed home).

 We also need to emphasize that this oligarch-in-chief is incredibly old, the oldest of them all there at 1600 Penn Street. He's older than your cranky old racist uncle who is always embarrassingly offensive at Thanksgiving. No, wait, actually that's him. So Donald, son & father of Barron von Trump, has been around for a very long time. Hanging around with very bad people, investing in risky, criminal-infested luxury & gambling economies, rubbing himself up against even the Russian KGB oligarch-in-chief, who it turns out helped him to win the big numbers game.

 Now you'll be excited to feature an extra-special report, which really deserves it's own series: "America, let us introduce you to the global 'Petro-Mafia'", which coincidentally, are the very same people currently applauding & being appointed by the Trump™ Organization occupation of the White House. Also, all coincidentally tied to Putin's oily oligarchs, the Saudi Arabian kingdom, all of which Donald Trump & his associates are heavily invested in.

 We pause now for a Greenpeace PSA to point out the obvious alternative to this Voldemort-slitherin oil-soaked hair-demon future. Which is to say: STOP using OIL you mother-lovers! Just #BoycottOil, & there you've purged half the world's criminal regimes. Again, coincidentally whom are all Trump Organization associates & benefactors.

 And while we're all busy being obsessed with this very "special" megalomaniac con artist & his astonishing web of conflict, we'd also appreciate some web-worthy press coverage at the White House. For once can someone ask the most obvious, painful, human questions of the "reality challenged" tweeter tyrant? Like: "Sir, can you tell us what spoiled, butt-hurt childhood made you into such an unsufferable, heartless, offensive bully?" Also sir, what mobster boss taught you to abuse the ritual handshake by yanking people's arm sockets towards you to kiss your stubby fingers? Small-scale abuses in public, more than just creepy, unsportsmanly & sociopathic.
Is this malicious mafioso jokester illegitimate? Hell fracking FBI coup d'état yes. "Securing the homeland" our melanin-deprived a$$es. Look at the "stand-off" of survivable realities at Standing Rock to see the brutal "white-makes-right" oil-soaked police-state future Trump & his pirate ship of evil-doers is attempting to ram through, before we even know WTF is going on with this "very special" tycoon.

  Welcome to the planetary apocalypse America. Native peoples have already been here, behind the barbed wire & toxic reality-theft for generations.

Trudell Tribal Voices ☀ https://youtu.be/VyXdxKFBwzk 

Which brings us to an essential episode of the "Trump™ story": Where in the dark realms of Voldemort did these "Trump™ folk" come from? Something about Europe of course & name changes & immigration. Because all of these loud-mouth "white identity" folks all came from somewhere outside the Americas. Likely during the unresolved Native genocide & African slavery. Tragically, in this war-choked 21st century we are imploring once again: "Resist white supremacist agendas." ("Never Again", again)

 Come on, mass media, don't hold back now. Take a break from all that monster-terror-gunfight-crash-FX entertainment & "Trump supporter" KKK-country tours to actually tell us exactly who is this mysterious "bad dude" with the bad hair who has stolen our reality.

☠ Trump™ Entertainment Resorts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Entertainment_Resorts
 ☠ Trump™ International Realty ☣ https://www.trumpinternationalrealty.com/property-gallery/  
 ☣ http://www.trump.com/real-estate-portfolio/

 The Trump™ Organization ☣ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trump_Organization

Personal Residence Trump® Tower: Top 3 floors of Trump® Tower with approximately 30,000 square feet (3,000 m2) of space; the triplex penthouse is decorated in diamond, 24-carat gold and marble, and features an interior fountain and a massive Italianate-style painting on the ceilings. Worth as much as $50 million, it is one of the most valuable apartments in New York City. Signature Cocktail Trump® Tower  "The Billionaire Martini" … $20  ☣ http://www.trumptowerny.com/bar-cocktails

Welcome to Trump™ National Golf Club, Washington, D.C.  KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship ☣ http://www.trumpnationaldc.com/http://youvebeentrumped.com/

Next Report: Illuminating the White Identity Card
: America's Insatiable Addiction to Fiction 

  First Nations Choice ☀ https://youtu.be/OiVU-W9VT7Q?list=PLfRHLmFaPjT1HgpHFyXb0BJdoN8QrQSsm

We want to exist, therefore We protest. A Pussy Riot Manifesto

 Nadya details the necessary steps U.S. citizens should take in order to cope with the changing political landscape, the nationalist movement, and Trump’s rise to power.

In case of political catastrophe:

1. Don’t panic.

2. Stay focused. Though don’t focus just on yourself. The question “How would I survive under a Trump presidency” is false at its core: Think about those who are the most vulnerable, who’s going to suffer from a Trump presidency the most. Find ways to help them. And then -- oh, miracle! -- you’ll notice that your own political anxiety is fading away.

3. Learn your history. Figure out what you can do; follow your plan and your social justice dream -- day by day, step by step.

4. A is for Activist: a social justice's hustler. Think beyond egocentrism -- stop asking yourself how you’re going to change the world. Hey, you can not change the world alone. But go hustle for justice anyway; make your input, your energy, an idea, an impulse. It will make a difference.

5. Be thankful for any achievement. Even if it seems small to you. Look around: You could either hate all those people and turn your life into a hell, or you could love them, and it’ll bring heaven to the earth.

6. If your government is a pile of trash - build your own guerrilla government. Build and participate and support the network of alternative institutions, organizations, initiatives. We’d better be smart and fast in creating effective alternatives in those areas where government and corporation fails: healthcare, education, media.

7. Fight for your right. Obstacles should not discourage you from action. The opposite is truth: Let obstacles motivate you.

8. Respect your mistakes. Even a total disaster could teach you some important lessons. Like: You got Trump and it royally sucks, but it may be a sign that it’s time for a radical political analysis -- it’s time to analyze systemic political diseases. It’s time to think about 1% and 99% dialectics. It’s time to question -- how it’s possible that many human beings are treated in our society as disposables; basing on class, race, sex, religion. Think about mass incarceration. Imagine for a second what does it mean -- to be released from prison and be rejected everywhere, to feel like a second-class human being.

9. Don’t sit around like the world owes you something. Give yourself to the world, be a human gift to the world -- cherish it, love it, share yourself with it. And be attentive and thankful enough to notice gifts and miracles that the world sends you back.

10. I want to exist, therefore I protest. Proclaim -- loudly -- your presence. Our scream is loud. Sometimes it suffocates us cause we run out of breath. We break our voices when we’re trying too hard. But it’s our price to pay. When you want to put something on fire, you need to burn yourself. A miracle happens just when you wish for it is so real so you could eat it for breakfast instead of eggs.

Nadya Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot
https://twitter.com/tolokno =^.^=  https://twitter.com/pussyrrriot

Mother-Trumping Clown-show: Out of your TV & into your Nightmares 

How do you resist an enemy who’s always just kidding (while injecting their poison)?

 Since November 9th, we’ve heard a lot of talk about unreality, and how what’s normal bends when you’re in a state of incipient autocracy. There’s been a lot written about gaslighting (lies that make you feel crazy) and the rise of fake news (hoaxes that displace facts), and much analysis of Trump as a reality star (an authentic phony). But what killed me last year were the jokes, because I love jokes —dirty jokes, bad jokes, rude jokes, jokes that cut through bullshit and explode pomposity.

 Growing up a Jewish kid in the nineteen-seventies, in a house full of Holocaust books, giggling at Mel Brooks’s “The Producers,” I had the impression that jokes, like Woody Guthrie’s guitar, were a machine that killed fascists. Comedy might be cruel or stupid, yet, in aggregate, it was the rebel’s stance. Nazis were humorless. The fact that it was mostly men who got to tell the jokes didn’t bother me. Jokes were a superior way to tell the truth—that meant freedom for everyone.

 But by 2016 the wheel had spun hard the other way: now it was the neo-fascist strongman who held the microphone and an army of anonymous dirty-joke dispensers who helped put him in office. Online, jokes were powerful accelerants for lies—a tweet was the size of a one-liner, a “dank meme” carried farther than any op-ed, and the distinction between a Nazi and someone pretending to be a Nazi for “lulz” had become a blur. Ads looked like news and so did propaganda and so did actual comedy, on both the right and the left—and every combination of the four was labelled “satire.”

 In a perverse twist, Trump may even have run for President as payback for a comedy routine: Obama’s lacerating takedown of him at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner. By the campaign’s final days, the race felt driven less by policy disputes than by an ugly war of disinformation, one played for laughs. How do you fight an enemy who’s just kidding?

 Obama’s act—his public revenge for Trump’s birtherism—was a sophisticated small-club act. It was dry and urbane, performed in the cerebral persona that made Obama a natural fit when he made visits to, say, Marc Maron’s podcast or Seinfeld’s “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.” In contrast, Trump was a hot comic, a classic Howard Stern guest. He was the insult comic, the stadium act, the ratings-obsessed headliner who shouted down hecklers. His rallies boiled with rage and laughter, which were hard to tell apart. You didn’t have to think that Trump himself was funny to see this effect: I found him repulsive, and yet I could hear those comedy rhythms everywhere, from the Rodney Dangerfield “I don’t get no respect” routine to the gleeful insult-comic slams of Don Rickles (for “hockey puck,” substitute “Pocahontas”) to Andrew Dice Clay, whose lighten-up-it’s-a-joke, it’s-not-him-it’s-a-persona brand of misogyny dominated the late nineteen-eighties.

 The eighties were Trump’s era, where he still seemed to live. But he was also reminiscent of the older comics who once roamed the Catskills, those dark and angry men who provided a cathartic outlet for harsh ideas that both broke and reinforced taboos, about the war between men and women, especially. Trump was that hostile-jaunty guy in the big flappy suit, with the vaudeville hair, the pursed lips, and the glare. There’s always been an audience for that guy.

 Like that of any stadium comic, Trump’s brand was control. He was superficially loose, the wild man who might say anything, yet his off-the-cuff monologues were always being tweaked as he tested catchphrases (“Lock her up!”; “Build the wall!”) for crowd response. On TV and on Twitter, his jokes let him say the unspeakable and get away with it. “I will tell you this, Russia, if you’re listening—I hope you’re able to find the thirty thousand e-mails that are missing,” he told reporters in July, at the last press conference he gave before he was elected. Then he swept his fat palm back and forth, adding a kicker: “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

 It was a classically structured joke. There was a rumor at the time that Russia had hacked the D.N.C. At the same time, Hillary Clinton’s e-mails from when she was Secretary of State —which were stored on a private server —were under scrutiny. Take two stories, then combine them: as any late-night writer knows, that’s the go-to algorithm when you’re on deadline. When asked about the remark, on Fox News, Trump said that he was being “sarcastic,” which didn’t make sense. His delivery was deadpan, maybe, but not precisely sarcastic.

 But Trump went back and forth this way for months, a joker shrugging off prudes who didn’t get it. He claimed that his imitation of the disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski was a slapstick take on the reporter “grovelling because he wrote a good story.” (“Grovelling,” like “sarcastic,” felt like the wrong word.) He did it when he said that Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever” —a joke, he insisted, and he actually meant her nose. “I like people who weren’t captured,” about John McCain: that had the shape of a joke, too.

 The Big Lie is a propaganda technique: state false facts so outlandish that they must be true, because who would make up something so crazy? (“I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.”) But a joke can be another kind of Big Lie, shrunk to look like a toy. It’s the thrill of hyperbole, of treating the extreme as normal, the shock (and the joy) of seeing the normal get violated, fast. “Buh-leeve me, buh-leeve me!” Trump said in his act, again and again.

 Lying about telling the truth is part of the joke. Saying “This really happened!” creates trust, even if what the audience trusts you to do is to keep on tricking them, like a magician reassuring you that while his other jokes are tricks, this one is magic. It could be surprisingly hard to look at the phenomenon of Trump directly; the words bent, the meaning dissolved. You needed a filter. Television was Trump’s natural medium. And television had stories that reflected Trump, or predicted his rise—warped lenses that made it easier to understand the change as it was happening.

 In “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right,” two writers for Breitbart mapped out the alt-right movement as a patchwork of ideologies: there were “the Intellectuals,” “the Natural Conservatives,” men’s-rights types, earnest white supremacists and anti-Semites (whom the authors shrug off as a humorless minority), and then the many invisible others —the jokers, the virtual writers’ room, punching up one another’s gags. In Breitbart’s take, this was merely payback for the rigidity of identity politics. “If you spend 75 years building a pseudo-religion around anything —an ethnic group, a plaster saint, sexual chastity or the Flying Spaghetti Monster —don’t be surprised when clever 19-year-olds discover that insulting it is now the funniest fucking thing in the world,” the article states. “Because it is.”

 Two thousand sixteen was the year that those inside jokes were released in the wild. Despite the breeziness of Breitbart’s description, there was in fact a global army of trolls, not unlike the ones shown on “South Park,” who were eagerly “shit-posting” on Trump’s behalf, their harassment an anonymous version of the “rat-fucking” that used to be the province of paid fixers. Like Trump’s statements, their quasi-comical memeing and name-calling was so destabilizing, flipping between serious and silly, that it warped the boundaries of discourse. “We memed a President into existence,” Chuck Johnson, a troll who had been banned from Twitter, bragged after the election. These days, he’s reportedly consulting on appointments at the White House.

 Last September, Donald Trump, Jr., posted on Instagram an image of Trump’s inner circle which included a cartoon frog in a Trump wig. It was Pepe the Frog, a benign stoner-guy cartoon that had been repurposed by 4chan pranksters —they’d Photoshopped him into Nazi and Trump drag, to mess with liberals. Trump trolls put Pepe in their avatars. But then so did literal Nazis and actual white supremacists. Like many Jewish journalists, I was tweeted images in which my face was Photoshopped into a gas chamber —but perhaps those were from free-speech pranksters, eager to spark an overreaction? It had become a distinction without a difference. The joke protected the non-joke. At the event that Tila Tequila attended, the leader shouted “Heil Trump!” —but then claimed, in the Trumpian manner, that he was speaking “in a spirit of irony.” Two weeks ago, the Russian Embassy tweeted out a smirking Pepe.

 I thought of that scene the first time I saw the “Access Hollywood” tape, the one that was supposed to wreck Trump’s career, but which transformed, within days, on every side, into more fodder for jokes: a chance to say “pussy” out loud at work; the “Pussy Grabs Back” shirt I wore to the polls. In the tape, Billy Bush and Trump bond like the guys at McCann Erickson, but it’s when they step out of the bus to see the actress Arianne Zucker that the real drama happens. Their voices change, go silky and sly, and suddenly you could see the problem so clearly: when you’re the subject of the joke, you can’t be in on it.

 The political journalist Rebecca Traister described this phenomenon to me as “the finger trap.” You are placed loosely within the joke, which is so playful, so light —why protest? It’s only when you pull back —show that you’re hurt, or get angry, or try to argue that the joke is a lie, or, worse, deny that the joke is funny —that the joke tightens. If you object, you’re a censor. If you show pain, you’re a weakling. It’s a dynamic that goes back to the rude, rule-breaking Groucho Marx —destroyer of élites! —and Margaret Dumont, pop culture’s primal pearl-clutcher.

 When Hillary described half of Trump’s followers as “deplorables,” she wasn’t wrong. But she’d walked right into the finger trap. Trump was the hot comic; Obama the cool one. Hillary had the skill to be hard-funny, too, when it was called for: she killed at the Al Smith charity dinner, in New York, while Trump bombed. It didn’t matter, though, because that was not the role she fit in the popular imagination. Trump might be thin-skinned and easily offended, a grifter C.E.O. on a literal golden throne. But Hillary matched the look and the feel of Margaret Dumont: the rich bitch, Nurse Ratched, the buzzkill, the no-fun mom, the one who shut the joke down.

 When Vladimir Putin was elected President, in 2000, one of his first acts was to kill “Kukly,” a sketch puppet show that portrayed him as Little Tsaches, a sinister baby who uses a “magic TV comb” to bewitch a city. Putin threatened to wreck the channel, NTV, unless it removed the puppet. NTV refused. Within months, it was under state control. According to Newsweek, “Putin jokes quickly vanished from Russia’s television screens.”

 Soon after Trump was elected, he, too, began complaining about a sketch show: “Saturday Night Live,” which portrayed him as a preening fool, Putin’s puppet. His tweets lost the shape of jokes, unless you count “not!” as a kicker. He was no longer the blue bear. Instead, he was reportedly meeting with Rupert Murdoch about who should head the FCC Soon, Trump would be able to shape deals like the AT&T and Time Warner merger, to strike back at those who made fun of him or criticized him, which often amounted to the same thing. Fox would likely be Trump TV.

 Last week, at his first press conference as President-elect, Trump made no jokes. He was fuming over the BuzzFeed dossier and all those lurid allegations worthy of “South Park,” the pee jokes lighting up Twitter. Only when he reminisced about his rallies did he relax, recalling their size, the thrill of the call and response. He almost smiled.

 But when CNN’s Jim Acosta tried to ask a question about Russia, Trump snapped back, furiously, “Fake news!” —and the incoming White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, told Acosta that if he tried that again he’d be thrown out. Now, it seems, is when Trump gets serious. A President pushes buttons in a different sense. As Putin once remarked to a child, “Russia’s borders don’t end anywhere” —before adding, “That’s a joke.”

 Emily Nussbaum  January 23, 2017  “Tragedy Plus Time.”

2016 Was the Year of the Biggest $cam in American History

When historians look back on 2016, they should study a man with cartoonishly fake yellow hair, a penchant for lying and a ridiculous Twitter account for clues about the country’s mood. No, I’m not talking about Donald Trump: I mean Joanne the Scammer, an internet creation in a blond wig and fur coat who seems to sum up the entire absurd free-for-all that is our current moment.

Joanne is a drag character created by Branden Miller, a 25-year-old former amateur porn star from Florida. In scripted videos, tweets and Instagram posts, Joanne is shown shoplifting, falsifying her identity and using other people’s PayPal accounts to buy things — general criminal behavior carried out under a cheaply glamorous facade, a “messy bitch who lives for the drama” (in her own words). Joanne was something of a serialized meme all year as well as a spiritual leader for strange times — an ironic play on the modern self-help guru who, instead of urging us to be a better person, indulged the worst in all of us. “I don’t try to be perfect, I try to be petty,” “Lying has improved my skin complexion,” and “Who needs a man’s dick when you’ve got his bank account” were just a few of the popular mantras she posted on her Twitter, which has around 700,000 followers.

But the real source of the scam’s success in 2016 was its embrace by those at the top. Think of Brexit, which was labeled a “working-class revolt” but was led by right-wing politicians who spent their entire careers “giving more power to employers and less to workers,” according to The Guardian. The Brexit propaganda campaign vowed to redirect EU funding to the hurting National Health Service — a promise that was walked back the very morning after the vote. Mere months after its passing, the Leave vote is now regretted by as least as many voters as made up its margin of victory, as people realize they’ve been scammed.

But no one scammed harder this year than Donald Trump, who will go down as the most consequential scammer of the year and possibly in history — the scammer-in-chief, if you will. “Look at who the president can be! The fact that Donald Trump could win?” Joanne presciently told The Fader in an interview about her fellow scammer this spring. “He doesn’t even want to be president. It’s really just about popularity at this point.” Trump’s entire life has been a scam, resting on a smoke-and-mirrors identity as a capable captain of industry (his suit and tie as much a costume as Joanne’s furs) that was mostly forged through decades of fluffy publicity about how he’d do anything to make a buck. The campaign to get him elected was built on lies and promises that he could never keep but that somehow made a working man’s hero out of a Manhattanite who lives in a gilded penthouse.

Trump’s net worth is likely a scam — we don’t know if he even is a billionaire, as he says he is, because he’s declined to offer proof. Like most “reality” television, his show, The Apprentice, which made him a broadly popular figure in American households, was a scam. He didn’t write the scripts — or even come up with the iconic “You’re fired!” slogan — and the image of him as a steady, smart businessman is a calculated TV fiction, all the more a scam considering many of his actual businesses are glorified scams themselves: the for-profit Trump “University’s” false promises; the Trump casinos, temples to scamming; the Trump properties built by laborers who were scammed out of paychecks.

Like Joanne’s wig, even Trump’s uncanny hair is a scam, some embroidered mess meant to hide what’s underneath. Trump has claimed that climate change is a scam invented by the Chinese, but that ludicrous idea is the real scam, since it’s many of Trump’s supporters in the South who will be affected most by its ravages. Though Trump won the electoral college, he lost the popular vote by a historic margin, sneaking his way into the White House via some 80,000 swing voters in Rust Belt states who may or may not have been persuaded by the hacking of Hillary Clinton’s email server by the spies of another top scammer, Vladimir Putin. Most painfully, Trump built his campaign on the ultimate scam, the scam of whiteness, a fiction of genetic superiority that was originally affirmed by American slave-owners to provide biological justification for their deeds, and which has now been reignited into a sense of white victimhood, scapegoating immigrants for the economic pain of job-displacing globalization and technology.

Equally unsettling was seeing trusted institutions also scamming and being scammed. There were the political media and the polls that lulled us — and likely Hillary Clinton — into a false complacency that Trump would never win. There was the old-guard DNC, plotting behind our backs to anoint Clinton as the candidate of the Democratic Party and undermine the millennial-backed Bernie Sanders. The hacking scam against John Podesta’s email account showed, ironically, that Clinton herself was mostly scam-free — perhaps her biggest deficit in an era when only scams can get you the gold. Still, the constant stream of bad email news contributed to an unearned aura of scamminess around her campaign.

But, as Trump fans will soon discover, the scam always — always — ends in pain and empty pockets. As anyone who has been truly scammed — by Bernie Madoff, by bad mortgages, by Trump University — will tell you, the entire point of the scam is that it feels wonderful until it doesn’t. Trump has already shown his stacked deck by filling his cabinet with the same sorts of people he promised to banish. The real caper all along was that he played the part of the populist but was really just a conventional plutocrat hoping to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. The only consolation in all this mess is that the vast majority of the country is now united by the scam, and Trump voters, like all of us, might soon wake up in an America that no longer has remotely affordable health care (which poor Republicans rely on as much as poor Democrats) or even Social Security or Medicare; that still doesn’t have a wall along our Southern border but does have much more expensive consumer goods, thanks to trade wars and tariffs; that has no new manufacturing jobs here but plenty of job openings at Trump hotels in Taiwan.

And so I say this with no scorn toward Trump voters or anyone else: Scamming will only get worse in 2017, and it is probably time to bone up on your own plots and machinations to meet an administration that is incredibly prepared to fleece us for everything we’ve got. After all, there is but one cardinal rule in the art of the scam — which Joanne tweeted, and we all should have heeded, and that we’ll all need to get through the next four years and beyond: Scam today, before today scams you.

Alex Frank is a freelance writer in New York and a former editor at The FADER and Vogue.com.

☠ Boycott Trump ☣ SOS USA ☣ https://youtu.be/8okdzcz7PTM                          

 Let's be real-- even HBO wouldn't have gone along with this "billionaire uber alles" storyline. "Creepy misogynist tweeter aligns with white supremacists & Russian spies to hack the election & become President of the USA"...

 Suggestion for "Executive Malware" Trump Organization USA challenge: Gather all Attorney Generals of all the States which currently have the Trump family & associates under investigation together for Trump Shadow summit, which will include NY, NJ, FL, and probably many more, to which the FBI & Justice Department are obligated to attend.

 At any point in the past year, the US media could have focused on the Trump Organization's connections & economic entanglements with international organized crime, from Trump Tower to the Kremlin. Instead, the FBI director was compelled to appear before TV cameras to reveal that (gasp) some of Hillary Clinton's emails were found on a campaign aides's laptop. #WTFUSA? Now we have discovered much of the media's email obsession was a coordinated attack involving GOP operatives, Kremlin-directed hackers, Wikileaks & the Trump Organization. 

#ImpeachTrump https://www.impeachdonaldtrumpnow.org/  
#AdiosTrump http://grabyourwallet.orghttp://youvebeentrumped.com/
#WeAreWatching   #LockHimUp


Kū Kiaʻi Mauna Kea: Hawaiian Heaven vs American Empire


Defending Mauna Kea: Hawaiian Heaven v$ the American Empire

 Mauna Kea needs a lawyer. Most sacred mountain of Native Hawaiian and Earth-spirit cultures, under siege by industrial developers and military domination, seeks an educated legal representative before the World Court of opinion. And UNESCO. Also, a PR agency would be excellent, to break the media silence in America.

 The history of Hawai'i in the last century has been largely a matter of what invading and occupying interests could "get away with." Under the threat of force by the military American state, industrialist families "overthrew" the Hawaiian Kingdom and imprisoned their Queen, which allowed for a white-controlled Republic to become the 50th State of the USA. All the while land was bought and sold, military bases and bombing ranges expanded, foreign populations flooded in, and America looked the other way, embroiled in their own foreign wars of occupation.

 If American media would simply show the truth of what has taken place here in the Hawaiian islands, to Native Hawaiian culture and people, the devastation of the land, hell, simply show what building a modern "telescope" on a pristine volcanic landscape looks like... the nation would rise up in shock and protest. But the don't see the bombing and destruction of Kaho'olawe, most sacred navigation beacon in the heart of the islands, they know absolutely nothing of the gigantic bombing range between the two largest and most sacred volcanoes on Earth, "Pohakuloa Training Area"... in the most endangered bird habitat in the USA.

 So while Native Hawaiian leaders and cultural practitioners confront a vast governmental-industrial cultural empire seeking to build the largest telescope yet, the 13-story TMT project on their most sacred heavenly mountain, US media ignores and looks the other way to more important stories, like Donald Trump running for a Presidential election more than a year away. While the most dramatic First Nation cultural clash in recent years takes place in the most cinematic locations in "Paradise", America pretends it doesn't know anything about Hawai'i, once again.

 Maybe this appeal from an academic scholar could break through "cognitive dissonance"?

Sacred Mountain - Mauna Kea, Hawaii

When I say “Mauna Kea” is sacred, I do not mean to use “sacred” the way most people use that term. I mean “sacred” not in the same sense of worship. I use “sacred” in the sense of “precious” and “so important that nothing else counts”—I apply it to those things and people that we care so much about that we would do anything, even flout and break the law, to preserve their existence.

The child of a parent, especially a young child is “sacred” in this sense. So are parents to their children. So are grandparents. Even the family pet is “sacred.” If your house was burning down would you risk your life to go into the burning house to rescue your children, your mother, your grandparents, even your beloved dog or cat? Would you go even if forbidden by first responders, firemen or policemen? Yes, many of us would go without hesitation–without thinking of the consequences. Would you give a kidney to save or extend the life of your child, your brother, your uncle? Would you spend all of your money to save a loved one from cancer? from Lou Gehrig’s disease or from a life in prison without parole? Yes, we all would.

Moreover, we praise such emotions and desires of others who make such sacrifices every day. We understand the soldier who sacrifices himself by instinctively jumping on a grenade. We understand the parent or grandparent who gives all their money to see their child or grandchild through college.

Whether one worships Mauna Kea or not, whether one considers it “sacred” does not matter as much as understanding the instincts that drive those to defend and save Mauna Kea—much as one would understand the absolute love for a child, or a parent even if such acts break the law.

When we see the instinct of family, of brotherhood, of sisterhood of love for mankind in others we celebrate that—we gravitate to that. We love and defend Mauna Kea because it reminds us what makes us human. Sacred is not necessarily a place. It is a relationship, a deep visceral relationship: beyond reason, beyond law, beyond rationality.

Mahalo and Mahalo Ke Akua.
Williamson Chang
Professor of Law

This millennium has uncovered new understandings of what has happened in Hawai‘i. As Dr. Sai states, “In 2001, the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, acknowledged that, ‘in the nineteenth century the Hawaiian Kingdom existed as an independent State recognized as such by the United States of America, the United Kingdom and various other States.’”

However, the US continues its illegal occupation, abuse of human rights and desecration of sacred lands. Te Wharepora hou have maintained their stance of solidarity with native Hawaiian peoples who presently struggle for the continued protection of Mauna a Wakea. Dr. Lee-Penehira advises, “Protectors of Mauna a Wakea have been occupying the sacred ancestral mountain on the island of Hawai‘i for over 100 days now, to prevent the construction of the world’s largest telescope; the planned Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT) project.

This is a direct attack on the physical, spiritual and cultural integrity of the maunga and the wellbeing of the Hawaiian People and the generations to come. Dr. Sai and I will be joining other supporters of Mauna a Wakea in a dawn ceremony of solidarity on Saturday morning here in Auckland.”

It is time, as Dr. Sai states, for the world to understand “the violation of human rights and war crimes that continue to take place on a grand scale whilst hidden under a cloak of deception and lies. These abuses are now coming to the forefront”.


 "Majority populations, cognizant of outside pressure and knowing that they should not resort to mass murder, have turned instead to cultural genocide as a “second best” politically determined substitute for physical genocide."

" Ethnocide means that an ethnic group is denied the right to enjoy, develop and transmit its own culture and its own language, whether collectively or individually. This involves an extreme form of massive violation of human rights and, in particular, the right of ethnic groups to respect for their cultural identity."   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnocide


A Nation of Sheeple Can't Make You Bleed! =^.^=

 CosmoCorps Tumblr!

"The voice of protest, of warning, of appeal is never more needed than when the clamor of fife and drum, echoed by the press and too often by the pulpit, is bidding all men fall in and keep step and obey in silence the tyrannous word of command. Then, more than ever, it is the duty of the good citizen not to be silent."
 -- Charles Eliot Norton

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
 -- Bertrand de Jouvenel

 OccupyGarden RebelMouse!

"It demands great spiritual resilience not to hate the hater whose foot is on your neck, and an even greater miracle of perception and charity not to teach your child to hate."
 --  James Arthur Baldwin


"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. . . Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem." 
 -- Howard Zinn, "Failure to Quit"

 CosmoCorps RebelMouse

"I am done with great things and big things, great institutions and big success, and I am for those tiny invisible molecular moral forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which if you give them time, will rend the hardest monuments of man's pride."
 -- William James


War & Women's Power: Principles of World Peace

Paulo Coelho’s
Declaration of Principles

1] All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.

2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.

3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives man to meet his destiny, his gift obliges him to share with others that which is good in him. A man must know when to use his power, and when to use his gift.

4] Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse – and others will always choose for him.

5] Each human being has the right to two blessings, which are: the blessing to do right, and the blessing to err. In the latter case, there is always a path of learning leading to the right way.

6] Each human being has his own sexual profile, and should exercise it without guilt – provided he does not oblige others to exercise it with him.

7] Each human being has his own Personal Legend to be fulfilled, and this is the reason he is in the world. The Personal Legend is manifest in his enthusiasm for what he does.
Single paragraph – the Personal Legend may be abandoned for a certain time, provided one does not forget it and returns as soon as possible.

8] Each man has a feminine side, and each woman has a masculine side. It is necessary to use discipline with intuition, and to use intuition objectively.

9] Each human being must know two languages: the language of society and the language of the omens. The first serves for communication with others. The second serves to interpret messages from God.

10] Each human being has the right to seek out joy, joy being understood as something which makes one content – not necessarily that which makes others content.

11] Each human being must keep alight within him the sacred flame of madness. And must behave like a normal person.

12] The only faults considered grave are the following: not respecting the rights of one’s neighbor, letting oneself be paralyzed by fear, feeling guilty, thinking one does not deserve the good and bad which occurs in life, and being a coward.
Paragraph 1 – we shall love our adversaries, but not make alliances with them. They are placed in our way to test our sword, and deserve the respect of our fight.
Paragraph 2 – we shall choose our adversaries, not the other way around.

12A] We hereby declare the end to the wall dividing the sacred from the profane: from now on, all is sacred.

14] Everything which is done in the present, affects the future by consequence, and the past by redemption.

15] Dispensations to the contrary are herewith revoked.

Imagine Peace Tower in Iceland Beams Yoko Ono's Wishes into Outer Space

From a Smoldering Edge of Your "SuperMax" Society:
Nature Awakens War-Mad "Machine Monkeys" Too Late
Once Pristine Planet Overrun by Industrial Extermination

Bravo Zulu Dandelion Unit
ChronoCorps Orbital SynchLab OMEGA

Lessons from the Last Half Century
SOS from the midst of the mind-control Matrix commonly called "America."

"America", identified over the past 200 years by "Nativist" European settlers and imperial European rulers as a "conquered area" become a sprawling Empire of its own. The former "United Colonies" now ruled by a militarized regime of secret agencies and the largest complex of warring technologies and institutions to ever arise on Earth.

One can argue that the mythical "Matrix" is an actual industrialization of extruded Roman ideals and "pseudoethics" which has now degenerated into psychopathic corruption, in which nearly clueless citizens are indoctrinated into paying for vast weapons technologies and secret surveillance systems morphed into mind-control video killprograms with "Predator" and "Hellfire" technology blasting tribal village people half a world away.

In America, the mediascape has been honed into a sophisticated hypno-hype hate machinery glossed over with air-brushed advertising, masquerading as "entertainment." The killprogramming has become so graphically obnoxious and intentionally obscene that we now chuckle along to "antiheroes" smashing heads with baseball bats, in completely simulated histories and pseudorealities, while we allow battalions to actually drop hundreds of tons of bombs on underdeveloped cultures we barely understand.

Millions of innocent people have been blown to bits, maimed, driven mad by this corrupted old evil machinery. While the "Dick Army" and their Kowboy Klique chuckle, rolling in their vast hidden hordes of WTC gold. They f*cked the whole world, not a little, but the whole shebang this time. And the headless spectacle of the corporate machinery continues to spew out its mindless control programs and diversions, refusing to address these greatest crimes against humanity, the oily realization of ancient Roman power-madness and Reaganite fascism--

The "Bushwacking" of a once proud culture, now having been reduced to shame and denial by these criminals through the historic arc of: the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, which have yet to be fully resolved, the expansion of the NSA and CIA under Bush, the theft of the 2000 election in Florida by the Bushes, the engineering of the 9-11 attacks on NYC, yet to be addressed on a basic scientific level, the subsequent shredding of the US Constitution, the Geneva Conventions and International Criminal treaties, the illegal invasion and destruction of Iraq and subsequent criminal profiteering and embezzlement of billions which have yet to be accounted for, the death of 100's of thousands of innocent people, false imprisonment and torture for a contrived "Terror war"-- the list of crimes is almost beyond the comprehension of the human mind, let alone the broken hearts of widows and orphans.

Lesson Plan for the Next Millennium

It's time for those who have freed themselves from the Matrix videogame hyper-scam, infotainment mind-control spectacle and fascist-corporatist indoctrination to set down our own ultimatums. It is likely the ONLY way that Obama and Clinton, the ICC and Amnesty will ever be able to enact any significant "change" within the control System. This is what we have learned from our recent truthtelling upwellings: we ARE the change we wish to make.

Therefore, it is possible the next evolution of this collective internet hyperintelligence is to form a NEW PARTY of wide diversity and representation. A proposal for MoveOn.org and CodePink to initiate the new "third rail" "Pop-Over Party (POP)." In which we will unseat the current corrupted "conspiracy of continuity" and war-profiteering machinery.

Rather than being attacked as "unpatriotic" and shamed into silence, we will use our color, our eccentricity and diversity, our creativity and music for a "hyperpatriotic" solution: truthtelling common people rise up to REPLACE the life-choking criminal conspiracy currently ruling our daily official "reality," OVERGROW the Strangelovian dystopia we appear to be trapped in. We know the fertile world is in our hands, and the spirit of the Earth is on our side!

Bravo Zulu Dandelion Unit
ChronoCorps Orbital SynchLab OMEGA

War & Women’s Power

The idea that “if mothers ran the world there would be no war” has been around for quite a while. Now there’s scientific research that seems to agree with that thesis.

Who among us hasn’t asked why war is such a persistent feature of human life? The most common answer is that people make war because society has taught them to make war. In their controversial book, Sex and War: How Biology Explains Warfare and Terrorism and Offers a Path to a Safer World, obstetrician and biologist Malcolm Potts and journalist Thomas Hayden claim instead that warring aggression is built into our species. There are measures we can take, however, to increase the likelihood of peace breaking out instead of war, the authors say, and their prescriptions focus mostly on empowering women.

I talked with Malcolm Potts in his office at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is the Bixby Professor in the School of Public Health.

What experiences led you to explore connections between sex and war?

I grew up in England during the Second World War in an area with several bomber bases. There were all these wonderfully brave young men. We used to see them in church. Their job was to drop bombs on Germany, bombs that would kill women and children. And of course many of them died in the effort. From a young age, then, I asked, “Why do people do this sort of thing?”

When I was older and working as a physician in war-torn areas, I saw the consequences of war firsthand and started asking the question in a more insistent way. As an obstetrician and then a biologist, I also took a strong interest in the evolution of human sexuality, and wrote a book called Ever Since Adam and Eve, which pushed my thoughts forward. They began to link up with the lingering question of why, out of the thousands of mammalian species, only humans and a few others exhibit the behavior known as team aggression, which in its most full-blown form we call “war.”

But wars are carried out by states, not small teams.

War builds on innumerable small episodes of team aggression. Wars are fought by small teams: the crew, the squad, the ten people in the trench with you. The state manipulates and organizes that, but at the level of the individual aggressor it’s still the same basic behavior.

Isn’t violence common in many species?

A lot of animals are violent for all of the obvious competitive reasons, but team aggression, which is a very costly behavior, occurs when teams of adults, almost always males, attack and kill individuals of the same species. It depends on being an intelligent social animal that has a territory and resources to guard and enlarge. For millions of years, it was an adaptive behavior: it gave a man more resources. A man with more resources would attract more sexual partners and therefore have more offspring and pass on more genes, which is what evolution is all about. Evolution is not good or bad; it’s just what works. It gives us some marvelous things, like the human eye, and some ugly things, like the fact that teams of men in the prime of life band together to murder others.

Why in teams?

Originally, the men would have been related to each other, but in the modern world a kinship can be formed through boot camp and other rituals of bonding. In the Gaza Strip, some terrorists were all members of the same football team, so they felt as if they were a “band of brothers,” as Shakespeare put it. Men in the foxholes told William Manchester that they fought not for flag or country, but for one another.

Women don’t do this?

Women will fight very bravely if they or their children are threatened, but we could not find a single example in the whole of human history where women have banded together spontaneously and systematically and deliberately gone out to kill other human beings.

Do women play a part in your theory of the sources of war-making?

Yes. Historically, women would be drawn to men with more resources. We still see this today, most starkly in situations such as poor women who went to Somalia to marry pirates, who were newly and publicly wealthy.

Does your book, then, present a pessimistic view of human beings?

It is both pessimistic and optimistic. Saying we have an innate predisposition to kill our neighbors is a somber hypothesis. But we’re doing it less frequently than we used to, which means we look at the world in a very different way now. Most people will say that the twentieth century was the most violent in human history, but in fact it was probably the most peaceful. If we look at deaths by team aggression against total population size, we’re getting much less violent. Unfortunately we also have many more low-cost technologies, like improvised explosive devices, and many more powerful technologies, i.e., weapons of mass destruction, for killing each other. So there is urgency.

Human beings present a huge contrast. We can be extraordinarily self-sacrificing, loving, and empathetic, but at the same time so violent. It seems we’ve had to evolve a sort of switch we flip to make it possible to dehumanize other people. We inherit predispositions built deep into our nature, such as a predisposition to learn language. I shouldn’t be surprised, then, that our brain has frameworks of aggression buried deep within it.

Are you saying that we have to make war? We can’t help ourselves?

No. We don’t have to do it, but I think we will more effectively deal with our violent nature if we understand it as a universal attribute from the evolutionary history of our species rather than an aberration.

So, just because a predisposition developed over a vastly long period of time because it was adaptive doesn’t mean it is permanently adaptive?

Indeed. As conditions change, it may become less adaptive, and that is certainly what I believe about war. Team aggression at the level of killing has no purpose now, but it emerges nonetheless. The evolution of our bodies is very slow, so something that took tens of thousands of years to evolve is still there to be dealt with, even after it has no seeming purpose. It’s helpful and enlightening to look at where we’ve come from in evolution. Then we can better define the things we don’t like, and ask whether we can do anything about them. We can only do that if we’re honest about where they’re really coming from. For example, if we persist in the naïve idea that all violence is culturally determined and we obscure the differences between men and women, that’s not going to get us anywhere.

So, what is going to get us somewhere?

Well, I know it sounds simplistic, but nonetheless it’s important for men to have healthy outlets for this behavioral predisposition. It must be respected. Team sports have all the elements of bonding and aggression that are the key elements in war. Also, doing activities together like climbing a mountain can draw on the same impulses. The mountain is the enemy. It satisfies some of the same urges. Yes, there are dangers, but they are more controllable than the dangers of real war, where a lot of people get killed.

What about the role of women?

It must be said, without being vulgar, that human sexual behavior is very asymmetrical. A woman has only a few pregnancies in a lifetime, whereas, all things being equal, a man could have hundreds of children in a lifetime. Gestation and child-rearing give women an inherent orientation to long-range decisions. Also, men are evolved to take risks and be territorial. Women lived in the territory carved out by men. They benefited more from in-group cooperation and social stability than out-group hostility. As a result, they tend to take a longer view and to seek consensus. As we said in the book, “If evolution provides the poison root of warfare, it has also supplied an important antidote. We overlook women’s powerful evolutionary heritage at our collective peril.”

What is that antidote?

For one, empower women with education and more opportunities and thereby also increase the number of women leaders, the number of women in parliaments and legislatures.

How do reproductive rights play a role?

We must have energetic efforts to support reproductive autonomy. When women can control their own fertility, family size begins to fall. As family size falls, education and development increase, as does the advancement of women’s role in society. Throughout the world there is plenty of demand for family planning on the part of women, but the evolved male drive to control female reproduction often stands in the way. Male theologians, male legislators, and conservative male doctors create and maintain the barriers to family planning. All in all, then, energetic efforts at empowerment of women will mitigate the effects of the warring nature we have inherited. Peace breaks out when women have more control over their bodies and more influence in their societies.

Sharel Cassity's "Powwow" Jazz Sax at Smithsonian